
Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's amazing how, even when you are told to expect something, it can still totally take you off guard. Before I was pregnant (and at the very beginning of my pregnancy) I remember reading everywhere that at some point in my pregnancy I would become this hysterical, emotional, hormonal maniac. I would go from ecstatic to annoyed to depressed within an hour. This usually occurs to women during their first trimester.

Well, I'm not your average textbook pregnant woman I guess.

I'm in my second trimester, the one where you are supposed to be experiencing all these feelings of elation and energy--and I am only now beginning to understand what they all meant by "mood swings". These are not your ordinary monthly PMS mood swings, either. They are full blown "I could never be happier--wait, why are you being such an idiot?!--What if my daughter doesn't like me!!!" (insert hysterical sobbing here) emotions. Emotions I never thought my heart was even capable of. Thank God I have a husband who listened to me when I warned him that this would happen. Now that it is happening, he is handling it fairly well--although I'm sure at some point he's really going to think I've snapped.

I think it doesn't really help that I hear of all these women whose husbands are the financial ones, so once they're pregnant they don't really have to worry about all that. Unfortunately in our relationship, I am the money one, Andrew is everything else. I handle insurance, taxes, budgets, etc.--and now it's starting to really get to me. That, and the fact that we're hoping to find a house before next winter, and my desire to be a stay-at-home mom (which is seeming more and more impossible as the days go by).

"Now wait just a minute!!!!" (you may be thinking) "What happened to faith that God will provide? That He will grant the desires of your heart?"

I've been asking myself the same thing--and in short I think my emotional state is fogging my vision and keeping me from seeing what He truly wants for me. I do believe in my heart that I am meant to be a homemaker and a mother, and I need to know that--if that is indeed true for my future--then it will be so, no matter what winter energy bills and evil thoughts of insurance come my way.

To top it all off, I only have three more months until I go on maternity leave, which I really think will help the situation a bit, since I know I'm never going back to work for that boss. I've stuck it out for over a year and a half, and my reward is some much-needed "rest" before Emery comes. I've changed since I started working there--and I'm not proud of what I've become. I know there is no excuse for bad behavior, that it is a choice, but at least the influence will be gone and perhaps I can begin to allow God to heal me in those areas. I only hope I have the strength and desire to allow Him to do so.

1 comment:

MommaD said...

We have dealt with financial ups and downs and the unknown of where the money is going to come from, and I totall understand what it is you are feeling. I am glad that the end of work is near and then you will be able to channel all of your energy to talking with God, making Emery, loving Andrew and learning about being a mother. Almost ten years later, I am often still trying to figure that out daily! I love you, and you know I am here for you whatever you need, and to tell Andrew that everything you are doing is normal. ;)