
Saturday, May 29, 2010

...are we there yet?

Emery is due in exactly one week.
Two weeks ago she was an estimated 5 lbs, 12 oz.
Needless to say Mommy and Daddy are getting a bit edgy as the due date approaches! Every twinge I get in my stomach makes my heart jump--"Maybe this is it!"--but so far no go. I did some last minute shopping (first aid supplies, waterproof bedding liners, etc.), and tomorrow I'll be washing a load of Emery clothes and essentials. I've been trying to walk every day, even if it means going to the mall and window shopping when it's rainy out, all in hopes that she'll come on or before her due date so we can forego the induction process.
Every day I go through the same emotions: after 9pm I start wondering why I'm having a child and what the heck was I thinking?! The very next morning I'm always so thrilled that my husband and I will soon be welcoming this tiny helpless being that will rely on us for everything. A tiny being that I know I will love unconditionally and will be the brightest spot in my universe (besides Andrew, of course ;-) ).
I can't wait to meet her!

1 comment:

MommaD said...

Low and behold she decided to suprise you and arrive the very next day! Lil Miss Emery, you are loved and cherished! The D family is excited to meet you baby girl!