
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The dilemma:
My current obstetrician group is very expensive--I've alreay racked up a huge bill so far--and so I mentioned that I would hopefully be getting medicaid as well as my primary insurance soon. They told me they don't take medicaid, and so I'll have to go to the hospital clinic from then on.
Not a problem.
So I call the clinic. "Oh, we don't take patients who have insurance. You have to find a clinic or office that takes your insurance."

Seriously? So where am I supposed to have this baby, the street?! These people are killing me. Hopefully I can find a way to get off of Aetna and keep medicaid so I can at least go to the clinic and possibly deliver the baby for free. I mean seriously, how sad is this: my friend, who makes more money than me (although she's single) and has no insurance hasn't paid ONE CENT during her pregnancy so far (and won't have to, thanks to medicaid). I make squat and have minimal insurance, and as far as I can see will owe over $8000 in medical bills by the time it's all said and done.

And what about all those illegal aliens who aren't even supposed to be here, and they're getting free medical care?! Not fair!

(Yes, I'm super emotional right now so take it all with a grain of salt)

I feel like I'm stuck in this tiny box--there's nowhere to go. And there doesn't seem to be a solution.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding..."

On a lighter note, Emery is healthy and getting quite strong! Every day she kicks and rolls and moves around--and even though it can become pretty annoying and downright uncomfortable at times, I never tire of feeling her presence. I think it's special that her Daddy can be included now and get to feel her move as well. It makes me smile to see his reaction whenever she kicks!

1 comment:

Michelle Rose said...

Oh Libby, I love you! I will pray that everything works itself out, as I'm sure it will. Try not to stress yourself too much! I'm glad you are enjoying feeling Emery grow and that's she's so strong and healthy!
